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STUFFABLE Dog Toy Treat Recipes

One of my top priorities with my canines at home is to keep them happy and healthy. I have tried many different strategies, ideas and am always open to trying new things. Having said that, my go to is filling a toy, such as a Kong, with some yummy goodness. I have tried numerous different recipes, all of which have been enjoyed by our pack at home. Well, I am pretty sure they enjoyed them, as they are kept busy for a long period of time, tails are wagging, and I have had no complaints from them.

Stuff able dog toys are a good idea for your canine for many reasons. Here are a few reasons why dogs love them, and why you should too! A durable stuff able toy is entertaining to play with, they bounce and roll around which make them all the more fun and challenging to eat the tasty treat out of. They prolong the act of eating. We know how much our canine friends love to eat, eating from these toys takes work and effort. Dogs have to think (mental energy), and move it and themselves around (physical energy) to get every last bit. This is called enrichment which will help keep your dog from getting bored and into trouble. You can also use a stuffed with treats toy for training purposes, such as when you are crate training.

Here are a few of our favourite recipes:

* plain greek yogurt (with no added sugar) mix in kibble or wet dog food - place in kong and freeze

*one fresh banana mashed mix with 1 TBS Plain greek yogurt ( no sugar added) - place in kong and freeze

*steak scraps cut in small pieces mixed with one ounce cream cheese - place in kong and freeze

* apple and carrot chunks mixed with one mashed banana - place in kong and freeze

* 1/2 cup pureed sweet potatoes (can use baby food), two TBS shredded carrots and 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt (no sugar added), mix together - place kong and freeze

* last but not least plain old peanut butter!!

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Get creative and see what you can come up with. Freezing the kong will help prolong the treat for your pet to enjoy for a longer time.

Happy pets = happy me! Hope I have inspired you today with these recipes!

Ruffined K9

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